Thursday, July 15, 2010

Sleep...who needs it

Did that really just happen? Did my cat just pee on my pillow while I was trying to go to bed? What is this world coming to? As if I didn't have enough things running through my head as a fell asleep...are we ever going to get that damn assessment to start the IEP? What the hell is wrong with my car? Is it ever going to be below 90 degrees again? Why is my husband snoring so loud? What should I make for dinner tomorrow night? Is ever going to be possible to ask a question without it turning into a huge ordeal? Why does the dog insist on sleeping on my feet? Did I take my birth control? Crap, did I put the left overs in the fridge? Is it supposed to rain tonight? NOW the cat pees on my favorite pillow!!! Are you kidding me? No wonder a mother never sleeps.

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